Sunday, April 05, 2009

Jalan dari siar kaki dari Pasar Utama ke Tanjung Batu sangat baik mungkin jaraknya 7km kerana aku mengambil masa 40 minit untuk sampai ke situ. Jalan trekking ke Taman Tumbina masih belum dibuka kecuali jam 2 petang, namun udara pantai sangat menyegarkan disamping taman yang cantik. Rasanya inilah trek yang terbaik kerana mempunyai kawasan bandar, taman dan laut sesuatu yang sukar didapati. Perjalanan pulang ke Pasar Utama menggunakan jalan Farley sangat mengecewakan walaupun dekat kerana jalan siar kakinya tidak dijaga dengan baik hingga membahayakan pejalan kaki ataupun orang yang berjoging.
Kami sudah sepakat untuk membeli mesin basuh di Bintulu untuk dibawa ke Segaham ini bermakna kami akan menyewa sebuah Hilux dengan kos RM300 dan dua buah perahu dengan kos RM80 untuk melalui jalan Long Menjawah berbeza dengan jalan Belaga sebelum ini.


  1. Salam
    Kamu ni guru posting kat sarawak ye?
    tahniah buat kamu
    moga dapat mendidik anak bangsa dengan jayanya

    p/s : yg bakal posting next year

  2. bahagia le ko dah ader internet kat sekolah tu....aku pun dah ader..hahaha...tkderla aku tgk cicak jek hari2...

  3. hang pi tak ustad ngan noor nye majlis bersanding?klu pi..inform aku....

  4. hang pi tak ustad ngan noor nye majlis bersanding?klu pi..inform aku....

  5. bsuh gune tgn je la wafi...
    jimat ckit, byk tenaga nanti...huahuauah...

  6. I am looking for a teacher
    Who is beautiful inside
    Honest with the students
    Giving them a sense of pride

    I am looking for a teacher
    With a healthy self esteem
    Who clearly states the rules
    And doesn’t have to scream

    I am looking for a teacher
    Who creatively prepares
    But Whose first priority
    Is to convey that she cares

    I am looking for a teacher
    Who is interested, not aloof
    Who treat her students with respect
    Even when they goof

    I am looking for a teacher
    Who knows how to laugh and smile
    Who enjoys what she’s doing
    And goes the extra miles

    I am looking for a teacher
    Who believes all students can learn
    Who praises their efforts and talents
    They give their best return

    I am looking for a teacher
    Who communicates with parents well
    Gently and carefully selecting words
    When there’s problem to tell

    I am looking for a teacher
    Who will fill a child with desire
    To love to learn more every day
    With curiosity that won’t tire

    I am looking for a teacher
    Who encourages children to have a dream
    To work at solving problems
    Building their self esteem
    There are some teachers out there
    The kind I am looking for
    For their student’s success
    They have opened the door

  7. Murasakinaichigo,

    tq, no worry to join us.


    Aku pi nanti aku call kau bulan mei.


    Aku doakan kau suapaya dapat kat Bario, hee..hee..


    tq 4 that poem. I will keep it as a very good advice and reminder to me.
