Friday, March 19, 2010

Manual Memasang Khemah Iglu


    Ketua Pemuda Gombak MCA Yip Jiun Hann
    “U” Punya Bapa YIP KUM FOOK(MCA GOMBAK) melakukan hal jahat, tipu wang orang, tipu WANITA, merosakan keluarga orang lain, makan duit Tokong………….telah membangkitkan orang ramai naik marah.
    “U” sepatut menasihat Bapa berkelakuan baik tetapi dengan dukacita sebaliknya “U” membangkitkan nama pemimpin Negara kita PM Najib Tun Razak dan Ketua MCA Dr chua Soi Lek pun bersama kelakuan mengapa orangramai tidak menyoalkan?
    “U” memang kurang ajar, sebagai seorang ketua pemimpin Pemuda MCA Gombak sepatutnya menjunjung pemimpin dan hormat Negara, bukan membusukan pemimpin dan menburokkan nama kebaikan Malaysia.
    Sekiranya “U” tak suka Negara Malaysia, lebih baik “U” dan Bapa “U” keluar Negera ini.
    Kita harap pemimpin kita mengambil tindakan kepada dia. Supaya nama kebaikan Malaysia dapat di pertahankan.
    Sekian, Terima Kasih.

    MCA Youth chief Gombak Yip Jiun Hann
    "U" Your father YIP KUM FOOK(MCA GOMBAK) do evil, cheated money, deceit WOMEN, family confuses others, eat Temple money ............. Temple crowd are very angry.
    "U" should advise your father to do good things but with sadly "U" try to put bad name of our PM Najib Tun Razak and MCA chief Dr Chua Soi Lek , why people did not question it?
    "U" was rude, as head of MCA Youth leader should honour and respect our leaders, not try to destroy our leaders and make bad name of Malaysia.
    If "U" does not like Malaysia, the better "U" and your father can out of this Country.
    We expect our leaders to take action on him. So that the good name of Malaysia can be defended.

    Thank you,
    People Who Love Malaysia


  2. assalamualaikum... maaf suara tidak berapa jelas... apa-apa pun terima kasih kerana telah memberi tunjuk ajar tentang cara memasang khemah ini... terima kasih

  3. To proclaim to Buddhists in Malaysia

    Yip Kum Fook (Gombak MCA) did a lot of bad things for SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE in Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong. As he removed the monks out of the temple, he told his men to close the temple doors, all of them(monks) had to leave because have exercised power in this measure

    Yip Kum Fook was the president of this temple because the other president (Ah Chia), then Ah Chia, and the committee members left and then set up a new committee. He used his power to play politics in the temple until now the temple has never peaceful

    On the other hand, his son (Yip Jiun Hann) would often say to the monks and devotees, this temple is my father's temple. And this temple belongs to my father. Maybe his father to teach him that to his son

    Everyone can type YIP KUM FOOK in internet or GOOGLE and everything will see what happened to YIP KUM FOOK. Please he has many high court cases.

    Untuk mengisytiharkan kepada penganut Buddha di Malaysia

    Yip Kum Fook (MCA Gombak) melakukan banyak perkara buruk terhadap KUIL BUDDHA SAMNAK SAMBODHI di Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong. Semasa dia mengeluarkan rahib daripada kuil, dia memberitahu orang-orangnya untuk menutup pintu kuil, mereka semua (sami-sami) terpaksa pergi kerana telah menggunakan kuasa dalam langkah ini.

    Yip Kum Fook adalah presiden kuil ini kerana presiden lain (Ah Chia), kemudian Ah Chia, dan ahli jawatankuasa pergi dan kemudian menubuhkan jawatankuasa baharu. Dia menggunakan kuasanya untuk bermain politik di kuil sehingga kini kuil tidak pernah aman.

    Sebaliknya, anaknya (Yip Jiun Hann) sering berkata kepada sami dan penganut, kuil ini adalah kuil ayah saya. Dan kuil ini kepunyaan ayah saya. Mungkin ayahnya untuk mengajarnya begitu kepada anaknya

    Semua orang boleh menaip YIP KUM FOOK di internet atau GOOGLE dan semuanya akan melihat apa yang berlaku kepada YIP KUM FOOK. Tolong share...sekarang dia ada banyak kes mahkamah tinggi

    By jimmy Ong, Kepong

  4. Dear All MCA Members in respect,
    That Yip Kum Fook of head Gombak and Yip Jiun Hann MCA Youth chief Gombak or father and son trying to grab the High Committee MCA party on this December
    We hope that members of MCA party considering profuse, please not vote to people have two faces because their behaviour are very bad for Chinese community in Malaysia.
    They used the power politic to cheating female, destroying others family, until the money SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, DESA JAYA, KEPONG, KL, and dare swallow money of Buddhist temple and Indian temple land in Taman Daya he was burning to getting rich for own greed.
    If this kind of opportunist groups supported the MCA party and we believe that this MCA party will not grow forever.
    Sharing by Saw Chee Thiam, Selayang
