Saturday, January 29, 2011

Kayu Belian, Sarawak


  1. tak jelas suara.. mcm mana nak jadi pegawai pelancong sarawak.. kena standby 'microphone''

  2. pakai digital kamera je, susah nak dapat audio yg bagus.

  3. kena hantar video ni kat PM... cepat sikit dapat jalan.. kot ler

    Ketua Pemuda Gombak MCA Yip Jiun Hann
    “U” Punya Bapa YIP KUM FOOK(mca gombak) melakukan hal jahat, tipu wang orang, tipu WANITA, merosakan keluarga orang lain, makan duit Tokong………….telah membangkitkan orang ramai naik marah.
    “U” sepatut menasihat Bapa berkelakuan baik tetapi dengan dukacita sebaliknya “U” membangkitkan nama pemimpin Negara kita PM Najib Tun Razak dan Ketua MCA Dr chua Soi Lek pun bersama kelakuan mengapa orangramai tidak menyoalkan?
    “U” memang kurang ajar, sebagai seorang ketua pemimpin Pemuda MCA Gombak sepatutnya menjunjung pemimpin dan hormat Negara, bukan membusukan pemimpin dan menburokkan nama kebaikan Malaysia.
    Sekiranya “U” tak suka Negara Malaysia, lebih baik “U” dan Bapa “U” keluar Negera ini.
    Kita harap pemimpin kita mengambil tindakan kepada dia. Supaya nama kebaikan Malaysia dapat di pertahankan.
    Sekian, Terima Kasih.

    MCA Youth chief Gombak Yip Jiun Hann
    "U" Your father YIP KUM FOOK do evil, cheated money, deceit WOMEN, family confuses others, eat Temple money ............. Temple crowd are very angry.
    "U" should advise your father to do good things but with sadly "U" try to put bad name of our PM Najib Tun Razak and MCA chief Dr Chua Soi Lek , why people did not question it?
    "U" was rude, as head of MCA Youth leader should honour and respect our leaders, not try to destroy our leaders and make bad name of Malaysia.
    If "U" does not like Malaysia, the better "U" and your father can out of this Country.
    We expect our leaders to take action on him. So that the good name of Malaysia can be defended.

    Thank you,
    People Who Love Malaysia

    To all Malaysians,
    We would like to inform all Malaysians about Gombak MCA Chief YIP KUM FOOK using (wage) Buddhist monks from Myanmar for the services of SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, No 19 Jalan 38 Desa Jaya, Kepong, 52100 KL. Myanmar monks always make mistakes and people cheat. YIP KUM FOOK (MCA GOMBAK) is a two-headed crocodile, now he always says to people, MCA will die after GE13

    On the other hand, YIP KUM FOOK (MCA GOMBAK) is always silent and does not take any action, maybe YIP KUM FOOK (MCA GOMBAK) shared evil with Buddhist Monks from Myanmar. We are very sad about that.

    Hope the people must be careful and notice that this matter and thank you.

  6. To all the esteemed brothers and sisters.
    We are a Myanmar group in Malaysia; we have lived in Malaysia for a decade and always go to the temple (SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST ASSOCIATION) No: 19-21 Jalan 38 Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, 52100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and we are very sad and sorry with the Temple Committee Members because they use monks as like animals, we are in the wrong notion of the Buddhist teachings or the rules of the Buddha. We came to this Temple to help the Monks and respected our religion.
    That the Temple (SAMNAK SAMBODHI) is a Chairman named Datuk YIP KUM FOOK (Chairman of MCA Gombak Division), our monks said and they invited our monks from Myanmar to take care of the Temple but without making any payment to our monks, they added and disrespected them of us Monks and at times he ordered his people to collect items such as paper, and so on. The chairman took the mineral water without informing any word to our monks. In our religion we believe we cannot take any Holy Place (Temple) all are the sins, if we took... this chairman of Temple is very badly like animals, he without knowledge in Buddhism at all….
    In the previous, our monks said the Committee Member always asked for money from him, when our monk gave RM20, 000.00 in cash in 2001 to the Chairman (Yip kum Fook), then the Committee was silent, the Committee then made trouble with one of our Sami named Ven. U Nandiya again and revoked our monk (Visa permit) permit to stay in Malaysia, then our monk (Sadayaw U Nandiya) went to Australia and our monk did not come to the Temple in the long run. Datuk Yip Kum Fook (Chairman of MCA Gombak division) gave a notebook computer to our monk for the protection of the amount of money, this is what our monk told;
    Many locals around the Temple said, now no more people come to this Temple because Committee Members are always making trouble or very arrogant and we heard from locals say: Yip Kum Fook (Chairman of MCA Gombak division) ordered his people to burn the Hindu Temple in Taman Daya, Kepong because he needed the place to make a furniture store business, this happened a few years ago. Everyone knows what is being done for the Hindu Temple in Taman Daya, Kepong. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
    And we need to share all detail information about this YIP KUM FOOK & SAMNAK SAMBODHI to all Buddhist devotees in the world…. this YIP KUM FOOK will more suffer and he will vomit out in what he eats…KARMA...OK
